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Company Profile

Weihai Zhengwei Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in 2004, and located in a beautiful place in Weihai city.

We concentrated on Magnetic Coupler Technology, and make it industrialized and standardized, with technical advantage, we are professional in making various reactor and equipment, which applying in Chemical Industrial, Medical Industrial, Food Industrial, Dyeing Industry, Raw Material Industrial and Biology Industrial, etc.

We have Full Set Certification, Upgraded Plant Facilities, working in an efficient and strict way, can service customer in Turn Key solution with all necessary certification.


Weihai Zhengwei Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Sales Department 1 Phone:0631-5382662
Sales Department 2 Phone:0631-5382771
Add:Zaobu Industrial Park, Gushan Town, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone

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