
Pilot Scale Reactor

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Open high temperature and high pressure supercritical reactor

Supercritical reactor means that the reactant is in a supercritical state or the reaction is carried out in a supercritical medium. The supercritical medium used should be non-corrosive to the reaction device, low critical pressure, and high selectivity and solubility. Commonly used supercritical fluids include supercritical water, supercritical CO2, and supercritical methanol.


上一條:300L pilot reactor with horizontal motor

下一條:High temperature and high pressure magnetic stirring reactor

Weihai Zhengwei Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Sales Department 1 Phone:0631-5382662
Sales Department 2 Phone:0631-5382771
Add:Zaobu Industrial Park, Gushan Town, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone

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