
Pilot Scale Reactor

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Magnetic seal pilot reactor

The pilot reactor is a key part of the laboratory scale-up pilot production, and generally refers to the enlarged version of the small laboratory reactor. The design specifications of the pilot reactor are 10 to 50 times that of the pilot, or non-standard design can be carried out according to process requirements. The size of the pilot reactor is generally 50~500L, and the size varies greatly depending on the production characteristics.

The small-scale test successfully enters the large-scale production directly. At this time, the experimental data is unreasonable, and the design and manufacturing of the pilot-scale reactor must be partially changed after the scale-up process remains unchanged.


上一條:High temperature and high pressure magnetic stirring reactor


Weihai Zhengwei Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Sales Department 1 Phone:0631-5382662
Sales Department 2 Phone:0631-5382771
Add:Zaobu Industrial Park, Gushan Town, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone

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